Leaders and Staff

1 John 5:14 And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us

Moreover thou shalt provide out of all the people able men, such as fear God, men of truth, hating covetousness; and place such over them, to be rulers of thousands, and rulers of hundreds, rulers of fifties, and rulers of tens.   Exodus 18:21

Pastor ___________________________________

Rev. T. Jefferson Rogers, Jr.

Associate Ministers__________________________

  • Rev. James Daniels
  • Rev. James Dunn
  • Rev Theodrick Erskine 
  • Rev. Gregory Magee
  • Rev. Tuval Mashburn
  • Rev. Edward May
  • Rev.  David McCoy
  • Rev. Reginald Mims
  • Rev. Demetrius Rodgers
  • Rev. Rufus Shepard
  • Rev. Glenn Wilson
  • Rev. George Woods
  • Rev. Jesse Vann

Deacons Ministry________________________________

  • Deacon Alfonzo McClain – Chairman

  • Deacon Eddie Wells, Jr – Co-Chairman

  • Stanley Bibb
  • Hilliard Bibbs*
  • Phil Bryant
  • Arthur Buie
  • Robert Dowdley
  • Gary Frazier*
  • Walter Greene
  • Roy Hodge*
  • Tim Hollie*
*Walking Deacons
  • Mark Hubbard*
  • Andrei Jones
  • Cornelius Kelly
  • Aaron Killings
  • Irving Larry, Sr.
  • Namon Lee   
  • Nathan Logan
  • Johnny Long*
  • Thaddeus Marzette
  • Jesse Matthews
  • Stanley Oliver
  • Nathaniel Pippen
  • Theodore Robertson      
  • Alvin Taylor
  • Earlie Terry    
  • Douglas Vincent
  • Vincent Walker
  • Gary Williams*

Trustees Ministry__________________________________

  • Michael Abron
  • Jerry Ashford
  • Robert Blackmon
  • Stanley Bland
  • Joseph Evans
  • Gary Frazier
  • Joseph Grimes   
  • Gregory Long
  • Herman McClain
  • Derrick Perry

Staff Administration_______________________

  • Sis. Tonja McKelvey – Church Secretary

  • Sis. Sheila Walker – Bookkeeper

  • Bro. Mack Brown – Database Administrator

  • Sis. Renee Goodwin – Clerk